Youth and Families’ Prevention Education
Christian Addictions Recovery Ministries SocietyTeenage Marijuana Users
With the legalization of marijuana, and since the Covid 19 pandemic began, we have seen an 86.6% rise in marijuana use in BC. National health research shows that teenage marijuana users (aged 12-17) have double the prevalence of a use disorder (addiction) than nicotine, alcohol, and, in most categories of users, even prescription drug misusers.
Presentation Program
Please support this initiative to educate youth and their families about the unintended consequences of marijuana and substance use via community presentations and events.

Alone we go faster, together we go farther
Please help our youth get on the road to a lifetime of good decisions with your support of our Youth and Families Education for Informed Choice programming.
Charitable Tax Exemption Number: 73880 4731 RR0001

‘“Research confirms that participation in effective prevention programs can cut drug use in half…These reductions (in both the prevalence and incidence), are primarily with respect to tobacco, alcohol, and marijuana use’… And, ‘Prevention programs successful in reducing and/or preventing the number of individuals who abuse alcohol and drugs, contribute to reductions in later delinquency.” (Public Safety Canada Report, 1995)
“Train a youth in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not swerve from it.”
Proverbs 22:6