
Christian Addictions Recovery Ministries Society

Everyday Unsung Heroes

Beyond the family, there are everyday unsung heroes who dedicate their lives to helping people overcome the challenges of addiction and alcoholism. These counsellors, hospital chaplains, deacons, addictions support workers, nurses, educators, and others like them are often exposed to trauma during the course of their workday, and thereby experience secondary trauma themselves. They have earned our respect, and we would like to support them.

Recovery Community Stewards

Charm’s mission includes creating occasions for these stewards of the recovery community to have access to workshops and retreats that address their own faith journey, health, and stamina for workplace wellness.

Building a resource community and peer network provides opportunities for friendship, connection and empathy from others who understand the challenges and rewards of this work.

Alone we go faster, together we go farther

Stay in touch for news of upcoming events. You can help us with your financial
contribution, and we sincerely welcome interested volunteers.

Donations will go directly towards programming initiatives.

“…in him you also are being built together into a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.”
Ephesians 2:22